Project Ideas and Plan

Describe your major project objective using the SMART acronym.

I will be creating a Photography project, and this will consist in a series of 12-14 images. These project, Underground Immersive, aims to capture people on the underground, and it is part of the style of Street Photography. I will be using a DSLR Canon 700D for this and on the side some software such as Photoshop and Lightroom Classic to develop my project and create my contacts sheets. The final project will be showcase on my website by the deadline, on the beginning of June. 

Why have you chosen to do this project?

I have chosen this project because I wanted to experiment something different from previous projects that I have done at DMUIC. Also, I found quite challenging and intimidating to do Street Photography as I need, many times, to face people and take some risks. Manly to step out of my comfort zone. 

Who are you researching for this project? Please list at least three media producers, authors, musicians, photographers etc.

For this project I will research different artists, Rui Palha, Nicholas Goodden and Eric Kim.

What techniques/skills are you developing/learning for this project?

Time management, observe different moments and be almost invisible in the crowd. Planning and develop ideas by research artists that have done Street Photography and discuss their works. 

What do you expect the final outcome of the project to be?

For this project I have develop the idea, I have done some research and I have been in London to do some experiment and see the different options that I can have while capturing some photographs. I have done my SMART objective and the project sign off too. The project is going in the direction that I have imagined. 

What do you think will be the issues/drawbacks to the project?

The most challenging thing will be taking the pictures. Could be quite intimidating to take people’s pictures. At last, I think decided which pictures I want to showcase and if will share this in colour or black and white. 

What is your timescale considering that this has to be completed by Week 10?

Week Three: Project Sign Off and Developing Ideas



Week Four: Artist Research in Depth



Week Five: Pictures for the project



Week Six: Pictures for the project (If needed) and review pictures taken 



Week Seven: Exploring Software/Contact Sheets



Week Eight: Adding the process on the blog



Week Nine: Adding the project to the website and do the UX testing

What resources or materials will you need for this project?

Canon 700D, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 Lens

Software such as Lightroom Classic and Photoshop.

Draw a picture/Write a sentence/sketch a story/write a dialogue that captures the essence of your project.

The London Underground, a dark place but where many lights are gathering together. 


  1. In techniques and skills here - you actually needed to add some photographic techniques taht you are learning/improving - discussion about using a 50 mm lens, depth of field and the nature of street photography

  2. You need to start posting your work it is now week six and you have not posted more here


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