Podcast - Brainstorming ideas
For this project I have some things in mind related to my progression route, Photography or Arts in general could be a good topic for a podcast. However, I have also a topic that I'd like to explore, Mental health. This would go for more like a Vox pop interview but also I'd like to have someone that I could interview or having a conversation. This will not be a personal interview, but I want the person to share his or her opinion about the topic and in the middle with other opinions.
I do not want to explore someone's life or dig into people privacy. Instead, I want to hear people's opinion in different topics.
Mental Health in work place or school.
How someone can prevent mental health problems?
Are people aware of other people mental health?
How you can help someone with mental health issues?
The best way to improve my mental wellbeing?
Faith and community leaders can help educate individuals and families about mental health, increasing awareness of mental health issues and making it easier for people to seek help (Mental Health, 2019).
For many, this is a taboo. And it stills a taboo for our society. With this conversation I want to be able to have different opinions and understand how people see this topic. It will be an interesting conversation for sure. In my opinion it is important to talk about topics that usually people are afraid to talk for different circumstances, sometimes because they are afraid to say something wrong. The idea of this is not to share mine or others people knowledge, because we are not experts in the area, instead I want to be able to hear different voices.
As an Artist, and we see this nowadays, we should use our voice to bring up changes and discussions. This will be done by podcast but I could use photography for example, or video, or write an article.
[online] Mental Health (2019) For Community and Faith Leaders. Available at: https://www.mentalhealth.gov/talk/faith-community-leaders (Accessed on: 18/02/2022)
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